Hey there = ) I know I have been rather absent. I have been keeping up with life and that is enough at times. Since my last blog update I have gotten older, wiser and sexier! OK... at least older and wiser! My hair is indeed growing but only I can really see it! LOL - I find when its soaking wet and I am in the shower, that is when the hair is easily noticed as being LONGER! Yay! But the downside is as it dries... shrinkage takes over! That is the worst part of having curly hair, actually natural hair in general. I have included a photo from winter when the sun was out and in my next blog you will see the difference in my growth and hopefully texture. I have stopped being the product junkie that I was, I basically have decided to stick with what works. I love Kinky-Curly but can afford Eco-Styler! SO I will use both and depending on the event, depends on which you will catch me in. I do promise that I will keep you better updated. I will try to include some OOTD (outfit of the day) so you can see for your self that I am not only hair, perhaps you will notice that I am a sexy 40+ year old woman with my own style... WHY? Because finally I am grown... Lol (Just kidding).
I also want to start including some make-up ideas..No I am not professional and basically I am learning to manipulate make up to assist me in looking good. Again, hopefully you will want to explore and journey with me. Its more fun to learn with another. So lets learn together.
ttyl.... Daqueen
Love the blog! I also have extremely tight curls that at times have made me wanna scream. I got that texture from my dad's side. I get the Japanese permanent straightener in it once a year. I'm hooked since I'm seventeen years old! I think it's great your embracing your natural hair!! Can't wait to see some OOTD's! ;) xoxo